Stress is a part of life that everyone experiences. It seems to increase when people need it the least. Although you may do everything you can to limit the negative impact of stress, it is still normal to notice it taking a toll on your physical and mental health. Your sleep patterns are one thing that you might notice changing during periods of increased stress.

How to Get Quality Sleep When You’re Stressed

Insomnia, frequent waking in the middle of the night, and awakening too early are just a few of the ways that stress can impact your sleep. Once your sleep patterns get disrupted, you’ll also notice that you handle stress less effectively than you do when you are well-rested.

This can cause you to get stuck in what feels like a never-ending loop of negativity. Learning how to get quality sleep during stressful times in your life helps you break that vicious cycle and enjoy a higher state of wellness.

Follow Your Optimum Sleep Schedule

Sleep schedules might sound like something that only parents need to establish for young children. However, they also work wonders for adults. The average adult needs around seven to nine hours of sleep a night to feel well-rested in the morning. Your sleep needs will vary depending upon several factors. These include your age, level of physical activity, and general state of health.

Most adults find that their sleep needs change at various points in their life. You can find your ideal amount of sleep by using a journal to track how you feel after a set number of hours. Once you find your sweet spot, you’ll find that you drift off to sleep better and wake up easier.

Get Out of Bed and Stay Out

It can be hard to avoid the temptation to take that virtual meeting in bed when working from home. Or, you might love snuggling under the covers for a movie marathon on the weekend. Although these activities might seem relaxing, they can cause your body to get confused.

Make it a habit to immediately get out of bed when the alarm goes off. Then, do whatever it takes to stay out of bed. Putting on shoes, going to a different room of the house, and generally staying busy makes it easier to stick to your goal.

Address Disruptive Health Problems

Health issues tend to get worse during times of stress. They can also interfere with your ability to get a good night’s rest. For example, back pain is often caused by muscle tension. Being uncomfortable can cause you to toss and turn in bed. Get any pain checked out by a physician, and follow their recommended treatment plan. You can also set up your bedroom to reduce the effects of health problems.

Choosing the right-sized mattress can help you to avoid sleeping in uncomfortable positions that increase muscle tension. Treating asthma, stomach problems, and migraines can also help you to avoid sleep disruptions.

Know When to Engage In Physical Activity

That evening workout might seem like it tires you out, but it could be causing your sleepless nights. Exercise helps reduce the effects of stress, but timing is everything for getting the most benefits. Try to do your workouts in the morning or early afternoon. Exercising within three hours of bedtime can cause you to fall asleep while your heart rate and body temperature are elevated, making it more challenging.

You may already do a few things to prepare for bed, such as brushing your teeth and changing into comfier clothes. Those are great to keep doing, but you may need to make an extra effort to relax during stressful times. Try to limit screen time to an hour before bed to limit blue light’s effects on your brain. Instead, spend time doing something that helps you unwind. Reading a paperback book, meditating, or even doing a few yoga poses are some ideas to help you reduce stress at the end of the day.

How to Get Quality Sleep When You’re Stressed

A good night’s sleep works wonders for helping you to feel better when you’ve been stressed. Achieving quality sleep might require a few changes in your life, but they all pay off when you feel happier and ready to tackle the challenges that come your way each day.

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